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Bottlebrush Buckeye
Partial Shade to Deep Shade
8-12 ft tall / 8-15 ft wide
Aesculus parviflora
Perennial, multi-stemmed deciduous suckering shrub
Understory Tree
Erect inflorescence, white flowers bloom early summer
Blooming can be quite spectacular
Flowers are followed by the nut called a buckeye and are not edible
Found growing in moist rich woods and ravines
Prefers rich, fertile, well-drained moist soil
Attracts pollinators, hummingbirds and butterflies
This plant has 1 to 3 in. pear-shaped smooth, leathery capsules containing a polished, brown seed that open in late September/October. Seeds have the pale "buck eye" scar
Poisonous to humans
Problem for cats, dogs and horses
Zones 5a-9b
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